A Ship in a Harbor

“A ship in a harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships are for.” 

Ever since I saw this quote, I’ve been stuck on it. I think it’s becoming my mantra for this season of life, and I’m not mad about it. I’ve spent most of quarantine reflecting, learning about myself, and evaluating the areas in my life that need growth and attention. When I think back to the times I’ve grown the most, it’s when I’ve stepped outside of my comfort zone. That’s probably true of most of us but if you know me, that is super hard for me to do. I’m a planner, a calculator, and have researched everything 47 times before I do anything. 

PA school has definitely brought this metaphorical ship into the vast ocean and I’m better for it, even though those waves were threatening at times. I’m excited for what’s to come as school is wrapping up and where I’ll be even a few months from now. Until then, I’m off to “catch” a few more babies tonight!



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